what's in a name What we call Strawberry Moon

what's in a name What we call Strawberry Moon would smell just as good with any other word. 

The June Full Moon, also known as the "Strawberry Moon," approaches Saturday evening, peaking at 11:42 p.m. Mr ET It's expected to be big, shiny and golden, a great way to celebrate the start of summer. If Daylight Saving Time seems complicated, try finding the time on the moon According to NASA, the full moon will last all weekend, from Friday evening to Monday morning. If you're lucky enough to be near clear skies this weekend, keep an eye out for bright star Antares appearing to the right of the moon. Venus and Mars should also be in view, NASA said. "Strawberry Moon" has nothing to do with the heavy rock tone. The popular nickname for the June full moon comes from the Algonquian tribes. 

They dubbed it the "Strawberry Moon" to mark the peak of strawberry ripening in the Northeastern United States. In fact, many names for full moons date back to early Native American tribes, including the March full moon known as the Worm Moon and the May full moon known as the Flower Moon. Interestingly, other nicknames for the June Full Moon have very little to do with its physical characteristics. "Honeymoon" is an old European name, referring to the end of June when the honey was ready to be harvested. "Rosenmond" is another European name related to agriculture. In this case, pay homage to the roses that bloom in June. (Though NASA said some sources suggest the name also refers to the moon's reddish color when it's low in the sky.)

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